With Grateful Hearts.....

A special thank you.....

Although this time in our lives has been very difficult the pain and hardship has been
eased by the encouragement and assistance of many friends and family who have been
by our sides right from the beginning.

  The Delaware State Police. You are a brotherhood that showed your loyalty to Ron
by supporting and guiding us every step of the way. You honored Ron in the way you
brought him home and laid him to rest. We know you did this because he was one of
your own but more importantly because he was a friend, known and loved by many
of you. There are so many of you that there is not enough room for all your names
but everyone of you have left a permanent mark on our lives. The men of the Honor Guard,
the Honorary. And the
men who met Ron at the bridge
to bring him home.

  The New Jersey State Police and the State Troopers Fraternal Association of New
Jersey. We will never forget the quiet show of strength from 6 Troopers that stood
outside the door of Ron’s room at University Hospital. They were there as we
entered and as we left - over a period of about 3 hours. Whatever we needed, they provided.
 Even though
we were strangers
 you treated us as family . Lt. Jim Campbell’s leadership was key as well as
his compassion. Thank you Newark Station.

   Mstr. Cpl. Michael Hahn. Benny, you were a rock for our family, you handled us with
love, dignity and grace. You stood in the gap for mom and dad. You are a true friend
to Ron and you made him proud. You have now gained 2 sisters and a brother.

 Captain Doubet,
You will never know how much your support meant to me during this most difficult time in my life.  Ron’s death was so sudden and unexpected that I was absolutely devastated and overwhelmed. When I saw you at the hospital, I seemed to feel, in a very special way your love, strength, and support.  I consider you a very dear friend and I appreciate all that you mean to me, especially at a time like this.
On behalf of myself and my family, I would like to thank you for all that you have done.  You not only put your life on hold in order to be by my side, to comfort me and guide me through the service arrangements, but you also made certain that Ron’s tribute was everything it should be and more.  Love, Nicole

   The ladies of Bethel Baptist Church. You lightened the load in many ways. You have
been exemplary in your love & service. Your prayers have sustained us.

  Pastor Chuck Betters. "O death, where is thy sting"? Your words soothed our broken hearts and spoke to our souls. Your experience has truly been inspirational, you are an example of the mightiness of God . Thank you

   Davis Sezna. Your positive attitude and encouragements have already gotten us
through difficult moments and will in the days ahead. We will keep smiling together!

   To mom’s sisters: Aunt Libby, Aunt Mary,
Aunt Jan, Aunt Carol, & Aunt June.
There’s no other way to describe it than to say that you held mom up. You have been
strength when she had none, tears when she needed to cry, arms when she needed
holding, and even laughter in the midst. You ladies amazed us! Love never fails and
you did not!

   To all the friends and family that sent cards, flowers, food and most importantly
prayers. All of these things have helped to get us through this. Thanks for dropping
by or calling just to check in. You are always welcome at the Williams’.
Thank you all for all the little ways and big ways you came through for us. For us they
were all big ways. Mere words cannot express the deep sense of debt and gratitude we
have for all you have done for us. May God bless you one hundred fold.

Love,  Mom, Dad, Cath, Jen & Len
Nicole and Cora Williams
